Thursday 12 December 2019

Our Te Manga and Te Tinana Christmas activity photos

These are our some of the fun Christmas activity's that we did with Te Tinana for the last  days of school.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

My Learning Reflections

This is a slide deck showing what I have learnt in Te Manga 2019.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Paddle Boarding At Lake Ngatu

A few weeks ago My class and Te Tinana went Paddle Boarding.On the way there Te Tinana had to go a different path then us because they had to pick up rubbish.When We Finally got there every one was huffing and puffing cause we were all exhausted because we all had to walk to the lake but luckly the teachers said we could have a little nibble so got my bag a grabed my lunchbox out I ate a little bit of my butter chicken it was also really funny because Alani had butter chicken too.When we were all done eating Mrs Stevenson asked if she could have group 1 to go get ready for Paddle boarding.when they were all ready  they started to head off so Ms Stevenson told us to put our towels in a line if we wanted to go for a little play in the water we were playing this game were you have to try and catch the ball.When group 1 came back it was was group 2 tern so we got all the gear on like the life jackets and our Paddles.When we lefted the huge paddle board in the water we had to try and hop on the boared when we all were on Joe our paddle boared captain told us to start paddling while we were on our knees.When it got deeper we stoped to listen to some jokes when we were all done we played this leaning game once we were leaning to hard and me and Anahera fell off every one was cracking up even me and Anahera.When we got closer to the sore we had free time me and Anahera played the leaning game again it was also really because Joe had to try and pull everyone back on the boared.When we were done free time Joe told us that we could swim back so I decided that I'd swim back,when we got It super cool cause Whaea Deb let us go a little bit deeper.When group 3 went me and Liv swam on top of each other and we played hide and seek.When group three came back Liv Koda and me ate a little bit and Cleo asked liv if they could build something.SO I just went back in the water,While I was swiming Whaea Deb Said that we had to get out But first Scotty said if we could have a photo with the Drone.When we were done we had toget our stuff together and we sang a song for Scotty and Joe.Then the worst thing hapened we had to walk back.When we finally got back we had to get changed and go to bus lines,When I got dressed I went to the pick ups with Kim because I go to touch with her,but we had to wait a very long time because we had to wait for Tyson.

Monday 25 November 2019

Te Whare Tui Camp 2019

This is a google slides presentation about our camp experience. 
My favourite Activity was slippy hockey.I liked slippy hockey because everyone was slipping over including me.I also liked slippy hockey because it was funny when I was trying to snach the ball off everyone with my red hockey stick.It was also really cool because I slipped over but I got a goal! I think it was extra cool because all of us were shivering cause we were freezing from the water slide but when we all ran on the mat  it was So cosy warm.It was also really cool when we all slipped on the slippery mat at the same time.But my most favourte part about slippy hokey was that I had so much fun!

Addition and Subtraction Math Strategies

We are proving that we can solve addition subtraction equations using an appropriate strategy.

Can you explain how you have learnt your new knowledge?
I've learnt how to use fractions properly and how you know which fraction is bigger or smaller.

What other ways could you practice your new learning?
Using examples from the class site or if I'm struggling

How would you teach your new knowledge to another learner?
By using Screen castify and my Blog so they can see what kind of learning I have done.

Monday 18 November 2019

Coopers Beach Camp

This is a Google slides about our experience at our Coopers Beach Camp.

My favourite activity was slippy hockey. I liked slippy hockey because everyone was slipping over including me. I also liked slippy hockey because it was funny when I was trying to snach the ball off everyone with my red hockey stick.It was also really cool because I slipped over but I got a goal! I think it was extra cool because all of us were shivering cause we were freezing from the water slide but when we all ran on the mat  it was So cosy warm. It was also really cool when we all slipped on the slippery mat at the same time but my most favourite part about slippy hokey was that I had so much fun!

Thursday 7 November 2019

Te Ahu Manaiakalanik Film Festival


Today Te Manga and 8 kids from Te Kauru went to The                    Manaiakalani Film Festival at Te Ahu.When we hopped on the bus we were off.When we arrived I saw a red carpet , everyone was yelling Look look there is a red carpet.When we got off the bus I was so excited to see all the amazing films I was also excited because the red carpet looked really cool.As we all got inside there was another school they were already in the theatre.When we finally got in the theatre we got seated and waited for the other schools , when all the schools were seated Harley did a quick speech and then they started to start the short films.When our short film was on I tryed to not look and blocked my ears Liv tryed to do the same too when it was her turn.When all the movies were played we went outside on the red carpet and took some pictures then Whaea Deb and Mrs Davan had a special suprised it was that we could go to Mcdonalds for a Ice cream or frozen coke.I asked if I could have a Ice cream because I love Ice cream.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

The Parapara Detectives School Journal Level 3, October 2013

WALT explore a problem and the arguments for and against different solutions.

WALT work out the meaning of unknown words.

Friday 25 October 2019

Draft - Duffy theatre 22.10.19

 Duffy was so exsited because he was going to his Aunty Grace's house ,  and he was super excited to get there because his favourite cousin Sam was there too.When he arrived his Aunty Grace called out to Sam "Duffys here " Sam was to busy playing Magic bricks.When Duffy came in he left his heavy bag on the floor and his Aunty Grace said I'll take your bag sweetie but then Aunty Grace triped and said " What is in this bag?'' Then she said " Well I let you hang out ''.

 Then Duffy said " should we go play outside play on bikes or play tag but Sam said " No! '' then Duffy said ''should we read about Magic bricks '' but Sam said '' Its way more to play Magic Bricks'' Then Sam yelled " The Dismantler broke my tower and threw a huge fit she was raging like angry gorilla then Duffy said " Its just a game " then she said " No Duffy its not just a game !" then Duffy whisperd to us " that was in teance '' 

Then Duffy got boured and put on his Nana's glasses and started to dance and acting funny but suddenly he got sucked in the game.Thats when Sam finally hopped off her game and  reliested that Duffy got suked in the game so she yelled for Duffy and then Duffy said " where are you? " Sam said ''I'm at home in the lounge ''. Duffy was so confuesed he didn't know were he was the he reliesed that he was in Magic bricks.

Then he heard a weired noise saying " pick your skin '' Duffy chose the muscle one and the he started doing silly and funny poses then he heared another weired noise  and he look back and it was the Dismanterla and she kept on say " Construction Construction '' and knocked over the bricks and then she went for Duffy.

Since Sam knew Duffy was in the game she went on the game and said " the Dismanterla is coming for you they like rectangles ''  So then Sam told Duffy to get into a ball

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019

In Te Manga we have been learning about the Rugby World Cup.I have learnt so much and I want to share my learning with others.

This is one of the most famous food in Russia as well a sweet and sour sauce and cabbage.

Recipe for Beef Stroganoff
  • 600g Quality Mark Beef       
  • 1 small onion
  • 250g mushrooms
  • 3/4 cup of Beef stock
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
  • 250ml carton light sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon of cornflour
  • Noodles or pasta
  • Rice
Facts about Russia
  • Population - 145,885,206
  • Capital city - Moscow
  • Main language - Russian
  • Major religions - Christianity and Orthodox

Famous landmark in Russia

Red square

The Red Square is one of the most famous landmark in Russia.The Red Square has also been a central market as well as a meeting place for all.

What is Nicholas Romanov famous for?

Nicholas was the last Tsar of Russia under Romanoz rule.But sadly his people did not like the way he ruled so he gave up is thrown and was sadly executed.

Friday 27 September 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019

In Te Manga we have been learning about the Rugby World Cup 2019. Did you know that William Webb Ellis was the person who invented Rugby?

My country in the RWC is Russia.In Russia there is this big castle in Moscow the capital city of Russia called The Red square.Did you know in Russia the population  is 145,885,206. I've also learnt what one of the Russian Rugby players name is Vladislave Sozonov. 

Yesterday we had a Rugby World Cup dress up day.I dressed in black for the All Blacks cause I could not find colours for the Russian flag.Yesterday Whaea Deb dressed up in a Komono because she wanted to dress up in something inspired from Japan.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Arahia - T3 W7 - Mango - Severe Weather SJ SL 3

Name: Arahia
T3 W7 - Mango - Severe Weather SJ SL 3

WALT understand different kinds of severe weather.

WALT think critically about some of the effects that different weather patterns can have.

  1. Interesting or Tricky Words
To say/predict what you think will happen in  the future
A radar is a object that helps you see stuff behind or in clouds,fog,darkness.
A New Zealand organisation that provides weather forecasters.
Objects in space that go around the earth and collect information about the weather.
Wear away.
Southern Alps
A bundle of mountains surrounding each other.
Gale force
Winds between  60 and 115 kilometres per hour.
Water vapour
The gas produced when water evaporates.
Hash weather that affects people's lives or that damages people's property.
The usual weather in a place.

2. Choose one of the subheadings in your text. Summarise the information in your own words - one paragraph.

Wind- Wind is air that moves. Wind can move lightly or it could move heavy.Wind is really cold sometimes when its windy it can rain.If your wondering why smoke/wind does not fall it is because it is too light for gravity.

Monday 16 September 2019

NZ Playhouse presents The Hare and the Tortoise

Today we were entertained by The NZ Playhouse.They were putting on an suburb show called The Hare and the Tortoise.My favourite character was the Ginger bread man AKA G man and Biscuit boy.My favourite part was when the Piped Piper broke is Piper that was my favourite part because it was super duper funny.One thing I did not like about the the show was that all of the kids were yelling like crazy.While I was watching the show I knew it was getting close to the end and that's when I started to get worried because it was that awesome that I did not want it to end.

Monday 9 September 2019

First Draft - The Great Reading Adventure

I have written about our class assembly.I am at the editing stage so you might some mistakes.I am still working on it and will post my published writing next week.

T3 Recount Practice - The Great Reading Adventure Assembly

Last Friday we had our Amazing assembly with Te Tinana.The assembly was called The Great Reading Adventure.It was about Duffy shows Scruffy his little brother how to make him like books and that reading is learning too. In the play I was Duffy I had to wear a pink hat a red T- shirt and denim jeans I was a little bit embarrassed because I looked funny and I thought that people would laugh at me because I looked silly.When it was nearly time to get the kids seated we got our costumes on and got to our places. After we were done getting ourselves sorted the other kids started coming and I said to the others it's happening it's really happening! I was super Duper nervous and excited at the same time I thought I was just over reacting. When everyone was settled I said my part with a Loud and Scared voice I just love reading it makes me so happy.Every Time I read I think we're I’m going to end up next but as I was saying my part I saw my dad.When Shikayla  and Mia’s parts were over  they walked through the walk way and we followed them while we were skiping.When it was my next part I stood up and went to the middle and Kaydee followed me then I said my short bit “Let's start with this book The Cat and The Hat”When I sat down I saw my aunty too.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Arahia Caught Being a Good Dad

Why I think my dad is the best! 
I think my dad is the best because he helps me with my home learning when I am struggling with my math. 
I also love him cause if I’m making him late for work he still doesn't get mad at me. 
And I love him because he took me fishing one day cause I wanted to catch some fish and cause it would be my first time fishing.but at the end we did not ANYTHING! 
And I love my dad cause he would support me when I go to sport. 
And he’s not like one of those mean dads that don't even care for their children.

This is my nomination for my caught being good dad. Unfortuantly I did not win Sarena won even though I think my dad is the best.

Friday 23 August 2019

Thursday 22 August 2019

Film making with Harley

What we learnt about ?

What special characters a movie needs.We also learnt what Sequence of shots were.

  • Establishing shot
  • Wide shot 
  • Medium shot
  • Close up shot
  • Extreme close up shot
The different roles in a filming crew
  • Director
  • Camera person
  • Sound person
  • and a cliper claper person
Thing that each person says
  • The Director says Turn over ,Action,Cut
  •  the Camera person says Camera speed
  •  the Sound person says sound speed
  • And the cliper claper person says shot ___ Take ___
Equipment that a film crew need

  • Boom pole - Sound pole
  • Camera-Ipad-use the grid lines
  • tripod
  • clipper clapper
  • clip board
  • megaphone ( for huge film set)
  • script

What I love about filming?
What I love about filming is that in filming you can make what ever movie or video that you want.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

label the water cycle

WALT label the different parts of the water cycle.

Making puddles-our water cycle experiment

WALT explain what happens when water evaporates. 

What was our hypothesis?
We think that the puddle will evaporate faster in the sun then it will in the shade.

What we did?

1.So first my class filled a  2 litre milk bottle with water and Alani tipped it out to make a puddle.
2. Reina, Liv and Cleo drew around the puddle
3.Aafter 15min they went to check if the puddles evaporated and they did evaporate.
4.We kept checking for 2 hours and took some photos.

What happened

Both puddles evaporated but the puddle in the sun evaporated faster then the puddle that was  in the shade.

If the water is in the sun it will always will evaporate faster.

Describe what we did?
What happened? 
Think about which puddles disappeared faster? What caused the water to disappear?
Remember to add photo's to your blog post.

The Water cycle A-Z

WALT find key words related to the water cycle                                            

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Ka Pai Kai with Whaea Anna

WALT cook healthy food with Whaea Anna.Whaea Anna is teaching us how to cook Yummy and healthy foods.

In my group there is Awhi,Kevin,Kiarn,Me and Koda.

And in my group we are making fruity smothies.And the fruits that we going to need are mangos cherrys banna's and blue berrys.

Thursday 8 August 2019

News Of The North

We had to write a paragraph about what we Did do in the holidays. Then we had to write another paragraph about what we Did Not do in the holidays. Can you guess witch one is Fact ( True ) and witch one is Fable ( False ).

Friday 2 August 2019

Amazing Water Facts

My Amazing Water Facts

In my class we have been learning about water cycles. Me and my working partner Kiarn have been learning facts about water to share with others.


The worst marine pollution was beetween 1953-1967 when a plastics factory in Japan deposited  mucury into the sea.Over 20 000 people were affected and 800 people died.

    The longest non stop swimmer was made by Susie Maroney from Australia in 1998.She swam from Mexico to Cuba (197) in 38 hrs and 33 min.

    A person can survive without food for more than 30 days but less than a week without water.

    The longest non stop swimmer was made by Susie Maroney from Australia in 1998.She swam from Mexico to Cuba (197) in 38 hrs and 33 min.

    What I found tricky while doing the video was that sometime I would forget how to say some of the hard words.And what I liked about doing the video was that most of the words I knew so most of it was pretty easy.

    Friday 26 July 2019

    The Lion King - Free Writing Frenzy 26.07.19

    On Thursday my class Te Manga and Te Tinana went to the Te Ahu cinema to watch the lion king.

    First the baboon Rafiki held Simba the new born lion on the pride rock.And all of the other animals gathered on the grass.

    Then Scar started to get jealous that Mufasa was king and because he wanted to be the king instead.So to get revenge on Mufasa he killed Mufasa and blamed it on Simba and told him to run away far far away from home.And got the bad hyenas to kill Simba too and so he could be king.

    When we  got there our teacher let us grab something small to eat because the movie was two hours and we probably would get hungry.Then we lined up nicely so we could go inside.

    When we got inside we sat down until Whaea Deb got us organised to get our popcorn and drinks. We were excited for the movie to begin.

    Friday 5 July 2019

    Place Value Math Strategies-Screencastify

    What did you find tricky about using screencastify? 

    I could not find the stop button but I figured it out!

    Wednesday 26 June 2019

    Tuna Kuwharuwharu (Longfin Eel)

    This term we have been learning about the Longfin Eel.

    Our assembly item was based on a story called Velvet an Elvis.This was a story about the migration journey that the longfin eel takes.

     Click here to view our Te Manga Assembly post

    I  have created 3 different digital learning objects (DLO) to share my learning on this topic.

    The first is a poster that I created in my topic book about the challenges to the long fin eel. Whaea Deb took a photo of my poster.

    I created the longfin eel life cycle using google drawing.

    Lastly I shared interesting facts about the longfin eel using a google doc.

    Friday 21 June 2019

    Blast Fast to the Past

    I am learning to use the BANISH BORING WORDS resource to help me to use more interesting words in my writing .

    Check out the QUALITY words I chose for FAST,SLOW and BIG.

    Wednesday 12 June 2019

    Rarangi Matahiko-Waitangi Writing

    Last Tuesday our class went to Waitangi we had to get to school early so we did not miss the bus but lucky I got to school pretty early!We went with Whaea Deb, Yvette and Jayda too.

    When we arrived at Waitangi first Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monika greeted us inside and  went straight upstairs and we were ready to learn more about teleology!There was an art gallery it had photos from Antatica. When I entered the room I saw blue,red and green qwishins I felt happy and really excited.

    Next a special geast came her name was Catlun. She showed us some special rocks from the Waitangi musium and she told us some imformation about the rocks.One of the facts where that they used to use the rocks for carving they where normaly just used for tools they also felt super smoth.Then we moved on to unpluged acttiveities , for the unpluged acttiveites we had to sort the cards 1 to 50 it was sooo difficult and cunfuesing!

    After that we went on scratch to put our avartar on our backgrounds that we made on paint 3d. 

    Eventually we zoomed to the mat and we got givin a smart phone and then they said find a partner because we where going to have a kahoot,my partner was Cleo. I was so suprised because I love kahoots I thort one of the ansers where green screens have to be green but they dont need to.A few minuits later we got told we had to pack our bags.We also went for a little walk and went to the to see the hundreds of eels they had  by the cafe when we where finished looking at the eels we went to the bus and then we sadly hopped on the bus and traveld back home.

    Wednesday 15 May 2019